Ancient History - Modern Ages

Ancient History

*** I am just starting this lesson and will continue to add to it.******
The Links for SOTW are video's about that topic.
  • STOW1 INTRODUCTION - How Do We Know What Happened?
  • SOTW1 Chapter 1- Nomads to farmers
    • Fertile Crescent - Early Nomads ( you can Print the Lesson at the bottom, and their is a recording of it also)
  • SOTW1 Chapter 2 - Egyptians Lived on the Nile River 
  • SOTW1 Chapter 3 - The First Writing
  • SOTW1 Chapter 4 - The Old Kingdom of Egypt
  • SOTW1 Chapter 5 -The First Sumerian Dictator 
  • SOTW1 Chapter 6 -The Jewish People
  • SOTW1 Chapter 7 -Hammurabi and the Babylonians
  • SOTW1 Chapter 8 - The Assyrians
  • SOTW1 Chapter 9 - The First Cities in India
  • SOTW1 Chapter 10 - The Far East: Ancient China
  • SOTW1 Chapter 11 - Ancient Africa
  • SOTW1 Chapter 12 -  The Middle Kingdom of Egypt
  • SOTW1 Chapter 13 - The New Kingdom of Egypt 
  • SOTW1 Chapter 14 -  The Israelites Leave Egypt
  • SOTW1 Chapter 15 -  The Phoenicians 
  • SOTW1 Chapter 16 -  The Return of Assyria
  • SOTW1 Chapter 17 -  Babylon Takes Over Again
  • SOTW1 Chapter 18 -  Life in Early Crete 
  • SOTW1 Chapter 19 -  The Early Greeks
  • SOTW1 Chapter 20 - Greece Gets Civilized Again
  • STOW1 Chapter 21 - The Medes and the Persians
  • STOW1 Chapter 22 - Sparta and Athens
  • STOW1 Chapter 23 - The Greek Gods
  • STOW1 Chapter 24 - The Wars of the Gods
  • STOW1 Chapter 25 -Alexander the Great
  • STOW1 Chapter 26 -The People of the Americas
  • STOW1 Chapter 27 -The Rise of Rome
  • STOW1 Chapter 28 -The Roman Empire
  • SOTW1 Chapter 29 - Rome's war with Carthage
  • STOW1 Chapter 30 - The Aryans of India
  • STOW1 Chapter 31 - The Mauryan Empire of India
  • STOW1 Chapter 32- China Writing and the Qin
  • STOW1 Chapter 33 - Confucius
  • STOW1 Chapter 34 - The Rise of Julius Caesar
  • STOW1 Chapter 35 - Caesar the Hero
  • STOW1 Chapter 36 -The First Roman Prince
  • STOW1 Chapter 37 - The Beginning of Christianity
  • STOW1 Chapter 38 - The End of the Ancient Jewish Nation
  • STOW1 Chapter 39 - Rome and the Christians
  • STOW1 Chapter 40 -Rome Begins to weaken
  • STOW1 Chapter 41 - The Attacking Barbarians
  • STOW1 Chapter 42 - The End of Rome
Middle Ages

The STOW links are video's


  • STOW3 CHAPTER 1 - A world of Empires
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 2 -Protestant Rebellions
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 3 - James, King of Two Countries
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 4 - Searching for the Northwest Passage
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 5 -  Warlords of Japan
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 6 - New Colonies in the New World
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 7 - The Spread of Slavery
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 8 - The Middle of the East
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 9 - The Western War
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 10 - Far East of Europe
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 11 - The Moghul Empires of India
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 12 - Battle, Fire, and Plague in England
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 13 - The Sun King
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 14 - The Rise of Prussia
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 15 - A New World in Conflict
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 16 - The West
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 17 - Russia Looks West
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 18 - East and West Collide
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 19 - The English in India
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 20 - The Imperial East
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 21 - Fighting over North America
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 22 - Revolution
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 23 - The New Country
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 24 - Sailing South
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 25 - Revolution Gone Sour
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 26 - Catherine the Great
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 27 - A Changing World
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 28 - China and the Rest of the World
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 29 - The Rise of Bonaparte 
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 30 - Freedom in the Caribbean
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 31 - A Different Kind of Rebellion
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 32 - The Opened West
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 33 - The End of Napoleon
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 34 - Freedom for South America
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 35 - Mexican Independence
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 36 - The Slave Trade Ends
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 37 - Troubled Africa
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 38 - American Tragedies
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 39 - China Adrift
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 40 - Mexico and her Neighbor
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 41 - New Zealand and Her Rulers
  • STOW3 CHAPTER 42 - The World of Forty Nine

 Modern Ages

  1. STOW4 CHAPTER 1 - Britain's Empire
  2. STOW4 CHAPTER 2 - West Against East
  3. STOW4 CHAPTER 3 - British Invasions
  4. STOW4 CHAPTER 4 - Resurrection and Rebellion
  5. STOW4 CHAPTER 5 - The American Civil War
  6. STOW4 CHAPTER 6 - Two Tries for Freedom
  7. STOW4 CHAPTER 7 - Two Empires, Three Republics, and One Kingdom
  8. STOW4 CHAPTER 8 - Becoming Modern
  9. STOW4 CHAPTER 9 - Two More Empires, two Rebellions
  10. STOW4 CHAPTER 10 - A Canal to the East and A Very Dry Desert
  11. STOW4 CHAPTER 11 - The Far Parts of the World
  12. STOW4 CHAPTER 12 - Unhappy Unions
  13. STOW4 CHAPTER 13 - The Old Fashioned Emperor and the Red Sultan
  14. STOW4 CHAPTER 14 - Two Czars and Two Emperors
  15. STOW4 CHAPTER 15 - Small Countries with Large Invaders
  16. STOW4 CHAPTER 16 - The Expanding United States
  17. STOW4 CHAPTER 17 - China's Troubles
  18. STOW4 CHAPTER 18 - Europe and the Countries Just East
  19. STOW4 CHAPTER 19 - China, Vietnam - and France
  20. STOW4 CHAPTER 20 - Revolution in the Americas - War in the World
  21. STOW4 CHAPTER 21 - A Revolution Begins, and the Great war ends
  22. STOW4 CHAPTER 22 - National Uprisings
  23. STOW4 CHAPTER 23 - "Peace" and a man of war
  24. STOW4 CHAPTER 24 - The King and Il Duce
  25. STOW4 CHAPTER 25 - Armies in China
  26. STOW4 CHAPTER 26 - The Great Crash, and What Came of it.
  27. STOW4 CHAPTER 27 - Civil War and Invasion
  28. STOW4 CHAPTER 28 - The Second World War
  29. STOW4 CHAPTER 29 - The end of World War II
  30. STOW4 CHAPTER 30 - Partitioned Countries
  31. STOW4 CHAPTER 31 - Western Bullies and American Money
  32. STOW4 CHAPTER 32 - Africa and China after World War II
  33. STOW4 CHAPTER 33 - Communism in Asia
  34. STOW4 CHAPTER 34 - Dictators in South America and Africa
  35. STOW4 CHAPTER 35 - The Cold War
  36. STOW4 CHAPTER 36 - Struggles and Assassinations
  37. STOW4 CHAPTER 37 - Two Short wars and One Long One
  38. STOW4 CHAPTER 38 - Two ways of Fighting
  39. STOW4 CHAPTER 39 - The 1980's in the East and Mideast
  40. STOW4 CHAPTER 40 - The 1980's in the USSR
  41. STOW4 CHAPTER 41 - Communism Crumbles - But Survives
  42. STOW4 CHAPTER 42 -  The End of the Twentieth Century

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